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- Short: A4000 Hardware Reference 3.0.2 DEUTSCH (05/95)
- Author: macs@escape.shnet.org (Rene Schmidt)
- Uploader: rschmidt@mail.hh.provi.de
- Type: hard/misc
- Welcome to version 3.0.2 (May 1995) of the German A4000 Hardware Guide!
- This file is a german-language reference to various tips, problems, repairs,
- and other information on the Amiga 4000 and common boards and peripherals.
- I'm happy with the look of the layout first used in version 2.0, and it is
- continued in this version of the Guide. A new section, "What's New With This
- Version," provides a quick way to look at the new and updated sections
- without having to look at stuff you've already seen. Another new section I'd
- particularly like to point out is the "SCSI Examples" section, which
- provides several concrete examples of SCSI bus setup and SCSI information in
- general.
- Boards Not Yet Covered:
- A2065 Ethernet Board
- 4091 Fast SCSI-2 Hard Disk Controller
- Fastlane Fast SCSI-2 Hard Disk Controller
- DKB 3128 RAM Board
- Multiface III Expansion Port Board
- PAR Non-linear Video Editing Board
- Picasso II Video Board
- Retina Z2/Z3 Video Board
- Toaster 4000 Do-Everything Video Board
- Other Information Needed:
- More common problems with the 4000, and how to prevent or repair them.
- Sources for repair parts. Information on other boards, monitors, peripherals,
- answers to common questions, or just miscellaneous information that you feel
- should be included with a comprehensive hardware guide for the A4000.
- If you can provide any of this information, please contact me, and I'll include
- it with the next version of this guide (and add your name to the Credits
- section, if it isn't already there!). Neither of us will make any money from
- this, but we will all profit by having this reference material in one place.
- Contributors to Version 3.0:
- Ralph Babel Scott Goffman John Palmer
- Chuck Baker Denny Goodrich Michael Perbix
- Volker Barthelmann Francois Groleau Kenneth Perto
- Gary Bates Dave Haynie Dave Platt
- Rainer Benda Gregory Helleren Kent Polk
- Warren Block Kjell Irgens Thomas Radtke
- Martin Blom Brian Jones Mike Redrobe
- Keith Burns Dan Karlsson Greg Scott
- Tom Conlin Oliver Kastl 0laf 'Rhialto' Seibert
- Randy Consemulder John Kelly Stephen Smith
- Steve Crippen Mario Kemper Jeroen Steenblik
- John Crookshank Dr. Peter Kittel Ben Sutter
- Dale Currie Paul Kolenbrander Derek Taylor
- Richard Davey Jeff Koons Mitch Thompson
- Joachim Deussen Randy Kruszka Calum Tsang
- Jim Drew Erik Lindberg Doug Warner
- Peter Ducker Don Maddox Matt Weatherford
- Jacob Ellis Michael Martin Thomas Weeks
- Michael van Elst Peter McGavin Ulrich Weise
- Bernd Ernesti Gerry Murphy Lothar Werzinger
- Jeff Gill Patrik Nordvall Heinz Wrobel
- Thank you!
- Warren Block Rene Schmidt (please note new eMail addresses!)
- wblock@silver.sdsmt.edu rschmidt@mail.hh.provi.de
- macs@escape.shnet.org
- 602 St. James Stoeckhardtstr. 11a
- Rapid City SD 57701-3658 20535 Hamburg
- (605) 342-1632 (voice) Germany
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 146034 49279 66.2% 15-Jul-95 14:44:22 a4k-hardware.guide
- 1679 630 62.4% 15-May-95 18:27:18 escape!
- 248 151 39.1% 25-May-95 21:24:32 file_id.diz
- 4708 2186 53.5% 15-Jul-95 14:45:52 liesmich_de.dok
- 481 311 35.3% 20-May-95 02:52:36 Product-Info
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 153150 52557 65.6% 16-Jul-95 15:41:02 5 files